Thursday, February 3, 2011

Using Our Tools

The students have been learning how to use different weather tools to measure the weather.  We've been using a thermometer to measure the temperature outside.  We've compared the temperature outside to the temperature inside.  (It's much colder outside.:) )  We've also learned about the Beaufort Scale and made flags to help us figure out if the wind is blowing.  We started using digital cameras this week to help document the weather daily.  (Thanks, Mrs. Dunlap!)  Check out the meteorologists hard at work!  :)

 He's feeling the metal poles to see if they are cold.  Such a smart little fella!

Meteorologists must record their findings!  :)

She's using the flag at the front of the school as a tool to see if it's windy.  We learned that if the flag is straight down there is "no wind".  If the flag is moving a little there is "some wind".  And...if the flag is flying straight out (like in the picture above) there is "strong wind".

 We are collecting data on wind for the next 5 days and graphing our results.

We learned that it is very important to put the date and time on your observations because the weather is constantly changing.

Check back tomorrow for our "Rain Gauge" experiment...

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