Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dr. Doug

Dr. Doug came to visit with us today.  WE LOVE HIM!  He is so smart and teaches us so many exciting things.  Today, we learned about "Scary Skies".  His motto is "don't be scared, be prepared". 

He taught us that when thunderstorms form it's because hot air pressure and low air pressure come together causing a front. 

After we made a front we formed a tornado. 
Here's a video of our tornado activity.  Sorry there's no sound.  :(

He also taught us about safety precautions to take in case of a storm.  We learned that if you are outside and can't get indoors when lightning strikes you should get in the "lightning crouch". Be sure your heels are touching (if not, the lightning can run straight to your heart)!

Before he left, he read us a book called Trinia's Twister Tales that one of his former students wrote. 

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